


  • アカウントやログインについて
        ⇒千葉大学情報戦略機構 > アカウント調査(学内限定)https://www.cudtec.chiba-u.jp/


       ④ ②③いづれかでログインできるときは、ブラウザのキャッシュや保存されたMoodleのパスワードを削除してください。

  • エラーや操作方法に関する質問
    Moodleサポートへ(moodle-support★chiba-u.jp ★を@に置き換えてください)メールでお問い合わせください。




  • 授業内容に関する質問
    ・課題の締め切り など


  • Moodleの操作方法に関する質問
    ・動画の視聴方法がわからない など


  • アカウントやログインについて
        ⇒千葉大学情報戦略機構 > アカウント調査(学内限定)https://www.cudtec.chiba-u.jp/


       ④ ②③いづれかでログインできるときは、ブラウザのキャッシュや保存されたMoodleのパスワードを削除してください。




For Faculty and Staff

【Before contacting us】
Please check if there is a solution to your problem below.
【If the problem persists】
  • About accounts and logins
  ・If you cannot log in
   (1) Please check if your account and password combination is correct at the following URL.
    ⇒Chiba University Information Strategy Organization > Account Investigation (within the university only)  https://www.cudtec.chiba-u.jp/english/index.html

   (2) Log in using a browser different from the one you normally use.
   (3) Open Chrome in incognito mode and log in.
    Enter your account and password in the text editor of your device and copy and paste them into the text editor.

   If you are able to log in using either (1) or (2), please delete your browser cache and saved Moodle password.

   (4) If you can log in using either (2) or (3), please delete your browser's cache and saved Moodle password.
     ⇒Please refer to "Procedures to reflect the continuation of user number information in Moodle".

  • Questions about errors and operating procedures
   Please contact Moodle Support (moodle-support★chiba-u.jp Replace ★ with @) by e-mail.

For Students

【Before contacting us..】
Please check if there is a solution to your problem below.

【If the problem is not resolved】

  • Questions about class content
    ・I don't know my self-registration key.
    ・Course materials
    ・Deadlines for assignments, etc.

   ⇒Please contact the instructor in charge of the class or the student affairs office of your department.

  • Questions about how to use Moodle
    ・I don't know how to upload files
    ・I don't know how to watch videos, etc.

   ⇒PC Support Desk (https://alc.chiba-u.jp/eyr/2020/08/28/01alsatt.html)

  • About accounts and logging in
    ・If you cannot log in
    (1) Please check if you have the correct combination of account and password at the following URL.
        ⇒Chiba University Information Strategy Organization > Account Investigation (on-campus only) https://www.cudtec.chiba-u.jp/english/index.html
    (2) Log in using a browser different from the one you normally use.
    (3) Open Chrome in incognito mode and log in.
     ※Enter your account and password in the text editor of your device and copy and paste them into the text editor.

    (4) If you are able to log in using either (1) or (2), delete your browser's cache and saved Moodle password.
             ・If you forget your password, please refer to the following page.
       ⇒Please refer to the following page for the procedure in case you forget your password.
             ・About Account Continuation (User Number)
                      ⇒Please refer to "Procedures to reflect the user number continuation information in Moodle".

Last modified: Wednesday, 5 February 2025, 10:12 AM